Our Story

Since its creation in 1981, the press group Indigo Publications has endeavoured to be a pioneering figure in the field of journalism.

Below, you'll find a few key dates in the company’s more than 40-year history:


In the Beginning was the Indian Ocean

In 1981, independent journalist Maurice Botbol founded Indigo Publications, launching The Indian Ocean Newsletter. This weekly newsletter was published simultaneously in French and English—without advertising—and distributed solely to subscribers.

The aim was to keep our professional readership informed of the political power struggles, battles for influence and economic issues facing East Africa, southern Africa and the islands of the Indian Ocean.

The smallest international press group in the world.” – Maurice Botbol, Founder


Oil, Gas and Electricity in Africa

La Lettre Afrique Energies and its English version, Africa Energy and Mining, were launched in 1983 with backing from Antoine Glaser, a journalist specialised in African issues. Its aim was to cover the geostrategic dimension of oil production in AfricaLa Lettre Afrique Energies was renamed Africa Energy Intelligence in 2000. Its sister publication, Africa Mining Intelligence, was launched at the same time.


Francophone Africa

In 1985, Antoine Glaser founded La Lettre du Continent. This publication was devoted to francophone Africa, which, over the years, became Indigo Publications’ flagship publication. Its aim was to uncover the secrets within the Franco-African community.


Intelligence News

As intelligence services were particularly active in Africa during the Cold War, Maurice Botbol deemed it essential to understand their operations on a deeper level to develop a clearer picture of events unfolding on the African continent. Indigo Publications thus acquired the Paris-based French language publication, Le Monde du Renseignement, and its English counterpart, Intelligence Newsletter. This publication—which reported on developments in intelligence services in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the former Soviet Union—became Intelligence Online in 2001.


Focus on the Maghreb

Until 1990, North African news was covered by La Lettre du Continent. However, it was at this point that a new publication devoted more specifically to the Maghreb countries was created. Maghreb Confidentiel in French, and Maghreb Confidential in English, released weekly publications in a short, two-page format that was distributed almost exclusively by fax.


The Switch to Digital Publication

In the early 1990s, large-scale information databases were a rarity in Europe, although they were widely used in the United States. It was at this stage that Maurice Botbol contacted the recently-established Lexis-Nexis office in London and requested the integration of all of Indigo’s publications in both French and English onto a server. An agreement was reached in 1993, at which point Indigo’s archives dating back to 1 January 1992 were retroactively integrated. In the following years, similar agreements were reached with FactivaCD-ROM SNI and L’Européenne de Données. This early digitalisation of Indigo’s archives allowed the company to launch its first website two years later, providing access to three years’ worth of archived articles.


First Website

In 1995, Indigo Publications became a pioneering figure in online news when it announced the “first website for strategic decision-making,” Intelligence Online. From its very first day online, Intelligence Online was made available for a fee. This went against conventional wisdom at the time but eventually proved to have been a judicious choice. The online subscription offer did not yet exist. Instead, individual articles could be purchased via an e-wallet system.

Hommes de pouvoir

Exclusive Biographies

In an effort to diversify its activities, Indigo Publications launched a collection of biographical works under the title “Les hommes de pouvoir” (“Men in Power”). Each publication focused on a specific country in Africa, painting exclusive portraits of 100 of its key decision-makers.


Africa on the Web

In 1996, Indigo Publications launched Africa Intelligence. This online publication provided access to all the group’s publications covering the African continent and was the first of its kind to provide in-depth reporting on the region to a professional readership. Just as with Intelligence Online, launched the previous year, Africa Intelligence was made available for a fee.


Launch of the Magellan Project

As the internet developed, Indigo Publications found itself managing three separate databases that were each independent of one another: print subscribers; potential print subscribers; and online subscribers and potential subscribers. The most logical solution was to integrate these three systems, but there was no software on the market that met the company’s needs. Indigo Publications thus launched the Magellan project, with the aim of creating a single information system to incorporate all its data–be it editorial, marketing or accounting. Development of this project was entrusted to an IT services company and lasted for two years. From 2002 onwards, Indigo Publications took over the maintenance and development of this system by setting up its own internal IT service.


Africa Mining Intelligence

With mining and energy activity developing rapidly in Africa, in 2000, Indigo Publications decided to create Africa Mining Intelligence and devote La Lettre Afrique Energies exclusively to the energy sector under a new name: Africa Energy Intelligence.


Intelligence Online’s Creation

In 2001, Le Monde du Renseignement and its English version, Intelligence Newsletter, were renamed Intelligence Online. A new website was also launched. This website would see particularly heavily traffic following the events of 11 September 2001, as it was the first to bring significant information to light concerning terrorist activity and Al-Qaeda.


Afrique Expansion

In 2003, the specialised Paris-based press group, Le Moniteur, sold La Lettre Afrique Expansion to Indigo Publications. This publication was incorporated into La Lettre du Continent.


Business Intelligence and Lobbying

Having become the touchstone publication for business intelligence, in 2004, Indigo Publications published a collection of biographical profiles under the title “Intelligence Online Reports. The first of its kind, the collection’s debut publication presented exclusive portraits of the 100 top decision-makers in France’s business intelligence sector. A second edition published in 2005 would later highlight the profiles of the 100 leading corporate lobbyists in France.


A Change of Rhythm

In 2006, at the initiative of its editor, Francis SolerThe Indian Ocean Newsletter—the oldest of Indigo’s newsletters—changed its publication schedule. The printed version, which was initially published weekly, began to be published fortnightly, while the website itself became more active— publishing alerts and breaking exclusive news stories.

La Lettre A

French Power Plays

In 2007, Indigo Publications bought La Lettre A from journalist-entrepreneur Jean-Michel Quatrepoint. This weekly publication, founded in 1978, was designed for a readership composed of high-level French decision-makers. To this day, it parses out the power struggles underway in France’s economic and political circles. When acquiring La Lettre A, Indigo also launched the LaLettreA.fr website.


Independent Press

Indigo Publications was one of the founding members of the Syndicat de la Presse Indépendante d’Information en Ligne (Spiil), which was set up in October 2009. Since then, Maurice Botbol has been president of the organisation, which is devoted to the development of online press.

West Africa Newsletter

West Africa Newsletter

The newsletter covering the Franco-African community, La Lettre du Continent, had been published solely in French until 2010, at which time an English edition was conceived, under the name West Africa Newsletter.


Political Entourages

To mark the publication of its 1,500th edition, in 2011, La Lettre A extended its presence online through the creation of its companion site, Entourages. The website followed France’s presidential election campaign until May 2012, going on to provide insight on the main issues facing the new government.



In September 2011, Indigo Publications bought PresseNews, a newsletter founded in 1995 to cover developments in the printed and digital press.


African Insiders

In 2012, Indigo Publications launched the fully digital Insiders collection, with the aim of deciphering the networks of influence linking Africa’s most influential business and political figures.


PresseNews Launches New Directory, 4ePouvoir

Indigo Publications launched the professional directory, 4ePouvoir, which, at the time, could be consulted on the PresseNews.fr portal. This fully digital publication (available only in French) was the online continuation of the print Guide de la Presse and three other guides edited by PresseNews in the previous 12 years. The 4ePouvoir database was updated with daily entries and real-time information concerning new official appointments, the latest developments in the industry, distribution figures and results statements. Offering a highly fluid navigation system from one entry to another, 4ePouvoir‘s goal was to provide its readers with a consistently up-to-date professional address book.


The Discreet Intermediaries Behind Key Contrats

Adopting the same model as Africa Intelligence’s Insiders, in 2013, Intelligence Online launched its own Insiders Series devoted to the discreet intermediaries, often former political or business leaders, at the heart of negotiations on major international contracts. Among the first published were: Dominique de Villepin, Aaron Frenkel, Iskandar Safa, Dick Evans

100% numérique

100% Digital

Following a long period of gestation, Indigo Publications went 100% digital in 2013. The print editions of Africa Intelligence and Intelligence Online ceased publication, and their corresponding websites were greatly enhanced and improved.

Application LLA

La Lettre A Gets a New Visual Identity and a New Mobile Application

In 2014, La Lettre A inaugurated a new format for its weekly newsletter on 28 August. The new, livelier layout was designed by Rampazzo & Associés. The new format offered improved readability, easier navigation between sections and a more effective presentation of essential information. It enabled La Lettre A to reaffirm its ambition of providing fresh perspectives on France’s political apparatus, media landscape and economic decision-making.

The new format was accompanied by a new mobile app, allowing readers to receive the latest edition every Thursday morning, stay up to date on real-time information using alerts, and consult La Lettre A’s archives at any time. The app is available on the App Store and Google Play.


Africa Intelligence Available On the Go

Indigo Publications continued to develop its technology, going on to offer readers of Africa Intelligence a means of consulting content on their mobile devices (Android, iOS, Windows Phone). The mobile application, which was launched in May 2014, allowed readers to consult articles, special features and Insiders as soon as they appeared. Nearly 20 years of archives were made available, and alerts allowed readers to remain one step ahead of the news cycle. The app was released in the App Store, Google Play and the Windows Store.


Equal Tax Treatment: Indigo Publications Applauds Major Step for the Press

Indigo Publications applauds the announcement made today, 17 January, confirming that the government will apply the same level of VAT to the online press as it does to the printed press. Until now, despite numerous parliamentary amendments and stances taken on the subject by the government, the online press was subject to a VAT rate of 19.6%— a level nearly ten times greater than the rate applied to the printed press (2.1%). The VAT audits of which Indigo Publications and Mediapart were informed by a bailiff in mid-December provoked an outcry from the general public–30,000 signatures in support of the online press on Mediapart‘s website–and at the highest level of state. On 19 December, the day before the audit was scheduled to begin, Maurice Botbol, founder of Indigo Publications, and Edwy Plenel of Mediapart, were received by the three ministers concerned: Aurélie Filippetti (Culture), Bernard Cazeneuve (Budget) and Fleur Pellerin (SMEs and Digital Services). After their meeting, the ministers published a strongly worded statement on 23 December calling for “neutral taxation across media mediums”.

Believing that the discrimination was legally unfounded and went against the fundamental principles of French and European law, Indigo Publications and several Spiil members publically announced in 2011, after notifying the public and administrative authorities, that they would henceforth apply the VAT rate of 2.1% used for press. This legal position was reinforced on 10 November 2011 by a judgement issued by the European Court of Justice, the “Rank Judgement” (read here), which clearly states: “According to the case-law of the Court of Justice, the principle precludes, in particular, treating similar goods and supplies of services, which are thus in competition with each other, differently for VAT purposes.”

As a precursor in online press, having created one of the first paying news sites in 1995, Maurice Botbol has long been advocating for equal legal and fiscal treatment of printed and online press. In 2009, he cofounded the Syndicat de la Presse Indépendante d’Information en Ligne (Spiil), of which he is chair. Since its creation, this professional organisation has continued to advocate for both transparency in public subsidies given to the press (since won) and for the same VAT rate to be applied to both printed and online press.

To develop both internationally and nationally, Indigo Publications has, over the past 15 years, invested heavily in complex IT systems created in-house, implemented digital marketing methods and tools, launched new online editorial content and more. After months of considerable effort from the entire staff, the group was able to transform eight of its ten publications into fully digital editions.

None of these developments were completed with help from the State. On the contrary, French legislation continually put up roadblocks to innovation. Until late 2009, online press was not considered to be press, which forced Indigo Publications to prioritise its printed publications despite the changing needs of its readers. This fiscal discrepancy continues to hamper the progress of online press in France.

Africa Intelligence 2015

Africa Intelligence Receives a New Look

In February 2015, Africa Intelligence unveiled its new online portal and visual identity, with updated logos, attractive colours, greater user friendliness and smoother navigation. The new portal consolidated the West Africa Newsletter, The Indian Ocean Newsletter, Maghreb Confidential, Africa Energy Intelligence and Africa Mining Intelligence into one publication. The new design was the culmination of an ambitious digital transition programme that began with the switch to all-digital publications in April 2013, followed by the launch of a telephone and tablet application in May 2014, as well as new layouts for the confidential newsletters in November 2014.

New functionalities were introduced, offering readers the freedom to choose from a wider range of access options to obtain key information.


Indigo Publications Consolidates its Independence by Sharing its Capital With its Employees

Paris, 23 June 2016 – The Indigo Publications press group has successfully completed an increase in capital reserved for its employees. Half of them subscribed and now hold 3.2% of its capital.

The operation, which was carried out as part of Indigo Publications’ company savings plan and is set to be repeated in the years to come, aims to assure the long-term existence of the company and fits into the strategy of economic and editorial independence that was at the origin of the group’s creation in 1981. Indigo Publications’ shareholders have always been individuals, most of whom are from the world of the press.

Indigo Publications’ founder and chairman, journalist Maurice Botbol stressed, “In deciding to invest part of their savings in their company, Indigo Publications’ staff have expressed their wish to contribute to the company’s independence and shown their confidence in its development.”

Thirty-five years after it was founded, Indigo Publications had thus put in place a seamless transmission process. This increase in capital took place just a few months after the donation that enabled Maurice Botbol, 65, to transfer 45% of the company’s capital to his son, Quentin, 28, an engineer, under the terms of a pact which fixed their respective shareholdings for six years.

A standout figure in the French and international press, Indigo Publications will continue to adamantly defend its financial independence, which is the guarantee of its editorial independence.

In 2015, Indigo Publications was profitable for the 13th consecutive year and obtained the best operating result in its history. Indigo is proud to have reached this objective thanks to its 100% reader-generated revenues, earned without recourse to any other resources, be it from advertising, sponsorship, consulting, the organisation of events, or public subsidies (see  the presentation of our 2015 accounts here). “Our vocation is to generate information and solely information,” said Maurice Botbol, who added, “Independence is the basis of our business model and underlies the trust our readers put in us.”

IOL 2017

Intelligence Online Refurbished

In January 2017, Intelligence Online launched a refurbished website and a more contemporary PDF version. With its red and black logo, a more striking visual layout and more user-friendly navigation, Intelligence Online aimed to cater as comprehensively as possible to its readers’ needs.

This new Intelligence Online would continue to provide exclusive information on state intelligence, business intelligence, and surveillance and interception technologies.

The publication also welcomed the addition of a new section called Major Contracts. Sitting at the intersection between politics, diplomacy and business, major contracts in the defence, energy, aeronautics and raw materials sectors generate colossal profits, while also bringing state sovereignty into play. This section deciphers industry dealings, brings negotiations to light and pinpoints the figures working behind the scenes on major contracts.

AI 2017

Africa Intelligence Goes Mobile First

Launched in June 2017, the new Africa Intelligence website was specially designed to be read on a mobile device. Subscribers could now access exclusive breaking news anytime and anywhere, along with our Insiders reporting, and over 120,000 articles containing over 25 years’ worth of coverage of sensitive issues facing the African continent.

Consolidating the content of five confidential newsletters – the West Africa Newsletter, The Indian Ocean NewsletterMaghreb ConfidentialAfrica Energy Intelligence and Africa Mining Intelligence – the Africa Intelligence website chronicles the activities of those in positions of power in Africa and unravels the links between political authorities and business networks.

LLA 2018

La Lettre A Goes Daily

After having been a weekly publication for 40 years, on 19 March 2018, the French publication La Lettre A became ‘the agenda-setting daily publication about power and influence’ in partnership with the specialised media newsletter PresseNews.

Published at 6:20 a.m. from Monday to Friday, the daily edition contained—and still contains—exclusive news and insights into the latest developments in the political, corporate and media landscape.

At this stage, La Lettre A , which remains in place today. Each Monday, the Enquête provides original insights on a specific topic; from Tuesday to Friday, the Evénement serves up revelations that go deeper than—and remain one step ahead of—the traditional media; each Friday, l’Entourage maps out the networks of power linking key figures; and finally, les Feuilletons consolidate all of the stories that the editorial team has chosen to follow in the long term on the website.


Fresh New Look for our Fully In-House Clients/Marketing Software

Originally created in 1999 to meet Indigo Publications’ specific needs, our back-office software, Magellan, received upgrades in 2020 that were two years in the making and greatly improved its functioning. This project, which our IT department managed from inception to rollout, gives our customer services and marketing teams an integrated CRM/ERP system able to better serve our commercial and marketing needs.


Africa Intelligence: The New Daily Publication Covering the African Continent

Africa Intelligence became the leading digital daily publication to offer coverage of the entirety of the African continent for a readership of professionals.

This new publication would go on to draw from nearly 40 years of experience chronicling the continent and the combined expertise of five confidential newsletters: West African NewsletterThe Indian Ocean Newsletter, Maghreb Confidential, Africa Energy Intelligence and Africa Mining Intelligence.

Remaining true to the editorial line of those five publications, Africa Intelligence would go on to provide its readers with a single publication containing 100% exclusive coverage of national policymaking across the African continent, as well as key regional and continent-wide developments. This publication is released every weekday at 5 a.m. GMT.

Inter-African economic, political and diplomatic relations—as well as security issues—have considerably grown in recent years. Emerging geopolitical powers like China, Turkey, Brazil, Russia and India have developed strategies to broaden their presence across the continent. It is for this reason that we believe a bi-monthly newsletter or one covering a single region or economic sector no longer fully reflects the current state of play.

The new daily publication covering the African continent, Africa Intelligence, aims to continue to cut through the noise to understand the innerworkings of power within each African state. The editorial team has grown and will continue its coverage of the oil and gas industry, as well as the mining industry. It will also cover new key economic sectors with a continent-wide impact: “Infrastructure and Power,” “Defence and Security,” “Banking and Finance”.

This new editorial format comes with a fresh commercial offering: a single subscription plan that provides access to all Africa Intelligence’s contentPreferential rates are applied based on the number of readers within a given institution.

Africa Intelligence‘s website itself has been entirely developed by Indigo Publication’s in-house IT team to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly browsing experience, whether viewed from a computer, tablet or mobile phone. Subscribers can also opt to use our “scroll through” edition, allowing the publication to be read as easily as a PDF.


Indigo Publications Turns 40

Paris, 8 November, Indigo Publications published its first professional newsletter, The Indian Ocean Newsletter (La Lettre de l’Océan indien), in French and English. This first issue marked the beginning of an adventure that continues to this day.

The founder of Indigo Publications, journalist Maurice Botbol, set out to produce exclusive and impartial information with high added value for a demanding international readership. To achieve this goal, he relied on capital owned solely by individuals and an advertising-free business model based exclusively on reader subscriptions.

Forty years on, the company’s founding values are as vital as ever to Indigo Publications, whose team continues to show a strong commitment to investigative journalism and economic and editorial independence each day.

Our philosophy is fully embraced by all Indigo Publications staff: journalists, editors, translators, sales staff, the marketing department, and IT developers.

Our solid collective commitment to our values has allowed us to stay the course, remaining true to our founding principles.

Our journey has not been without its obstacles—from the company’s creation itself to the ambitious development of our digital presence in the 2000s: Indigo Publications’ very first online publication, Intelligence Online, was created in 1995 and used an economic model that, in that era, was unheard of in the press and media landscape—yet we have stayed true to our collective vision.

In 2021, Indigo Publications had a team of more than 60 permanent staff and nearly 100 external collaborators, all of whom are encouraged to be independent, show initiative and lean into their creativity. Our company culture has fostered a swathe of cutting-edge developments within every department. Our publications Africa Intelligence, Intelligence Online and La Lettre A made the transition from weekly and bi-monthly publications to daily digital publications, reflecting our company’s forward-looking dynamic.

On our 40th anniversary, we would also like to thank all our readers, both old and new, for their trust. It is thanks to them that in 2021, Indigo Publications will have recorded its 19th consecutive year of growth and positive results.

In the coming years, our news teams and Indigo Publications’ other departments will continue to grow in order to offer our subscribers even more extensive coverage, while remaining, as ever, fiercely independent.


Intelligence Online Becomes a Daily Publication

Paris, 26 April 2021Intelligence Online, published in English and French, became the first digital daily publication wholly dedicated to intelligence.

Having been published twice a month since its creation in 1980, Intelligence Online began to offer its readers an entirely exclusive edition at 6 a.m. every day of the week. This accelerated publication schedule created the opportunity for regular, in-depth coverage of a global intelligence community that has grown considerably in recent years.

  • At state level, the growing number of threats has profoundly changed the organisation, resources and priorities of intelligence services across the globe.
  • When it comes to business intelligence, increasingly intense global economic competition has led to significant financial battles, driven by an ever-growing number of private investigation firms.
  • And finally, cyber intelligence, with its new key players, has become a major and multifaceted challenge—just as pivotal for intelligence gathering as for major influence campaigns.

Striving for Excellence Daily

We believe daily publications offer the best way of understanding a constantly changing world—at both a global and local level—in which the boundaries between the public and private spheres have become increasingly porous.

Our daily publications continue to demonstrate our standards of excellence, providing our readers with original, high value-added investigative reporting and strategic information. We specialise in detecting the premonitory signs of upcoming shifts, anticipating the subjects that will be at the heart of tomorrow’s challenges.

A Growing Editorial Team

To achieve this goal, our Paris-based editorial team has been growing: specialist journalists have been recruited to examine the reasoning and actions of powerful figures in Europe, the Middle East, North America, Russia and China.

This reinforced team is tasked with untangling the complex web of networks that make up the intelligence community—its official operators and undercover intermediaries, as well as its private operators and tech-savvy figures. We aim to shine light on the global intelligence sector.

Smoother Navigation

Developed entirely by our in-house IT team, Intelligence Online‘s new website offers a more intuitive navigation and easier reading experience on mobile phones, tablets and computers. We also offer our subscribers an exclusive page-by-page browsing feature which allows them to read a complete web edition as easily as they would a PDF.


The New Indigo Website Goes Live

Paris, 24 February – After many weeks of work, we celebrated the launch of our new company website.

Simpler and more modern than its 2015 predecessor, our website’s goal is to offer a clear, comprehensive vision of our identity and the values that underpin how we think about our work.

This new website also presents our editorial line common to all of our publications–be it Africa Intelligence, Intelligence Online, La Lettre A or Glitz.paris–and acts as a launchpad for you to explore our different publications’ various websites.


Glitz.paris: The World’s First Investigative Media Dedicated to the Luxury Sector

Paris, 29 September.

During Paris Fashion Week 2022, Indigo Publications launched Glitz.paris, the world’s first investigative publication dedicated to covering the global luxury sector. Each edition is published weekly in French and English, includes zero advertisements and is available by subscription only. The publication has already benefited from a multi-million-euro investment, with the goal of breaking even in 2026. Though Glitz.paris will initially appear weekly, by the second year, the publication is projected to be released daily and backed by a team of more than a dozen journalists.

Why was Glitz.paris created?

Though the luxury industry is known for spectacle—with its lavish runway shows and iconic muses, its precious jewels, sumptuous hotels and extravagant boutiques—beyond the glitter and the glossy advertisements, an extremely powerful industry is operating discreetly behind the scenes. The top 100 international luxury groups account for a combined turnover of 300 billion dollars—a figure constantly on the rise.

Glitz.paris is designed for a professional audience. Each Thursday, it digs beneath the surface, uncovering the mysteries surrounding major luxury groups in Paris, Geneva, Milan, London and New York.

From the innerworkings of luxury houses, to the hunt for new talent and development strategies… from transfers of capital, to succession sagas and family offices: our editorial team has complete freedom when covering both the international luxury community’s minor scoops, and its major secrets.

A Team Dedicated to Investigative Journalism

Philippe VassetGlitz.paris‘s editor-in-chief—is an acclaimed investigative journalist and author.

An Indigo Publications veteran, Vasset spent eight years as head of Intelligence Online—a publication dedicated to coverage of intelligence services around the world—before managing coverage of the African continent’s networks of power at Africa Intelligence.

During its pre-launch in the summer of 2022, Glitz.paris published a number of investigative articles that enjoyed significant impact, particularly its investigation of the research centre that LVMH established at the elite French engineering school Ecole Polytechnique (click here for free access), as well as the insider scoop on how Chanel moved its head office to London and its asset holdings into tax havens tied to the British Crown (read here).

“Most of the publications covering luxury focus on the products and how they’re consumed. That’s not our approach. Glitz readers will be tapping into the major luxury houses’ strategies, tracking the progress of key industry players, and anticipating capital flows,” explains Indigo Publications CEO Quentin Botbol. “Glitz.paris remains true to what has been our mission for over 40 years at Indigo Publications: providing coverage of strategic sectors where information is hard to come by.”

An Independent Publisher

Glitz.paris is published in Paris by Indigo Publications, an independent press group founded by a team of journalists in 1981.

Indigo Publications operates in France and internationally, and produces three additional publications: Intelligence Online, Africa Intelligence, and La Lettre. Indigo Publications specialises in high-value-added information and is financed exclusively by reader subscriptions.

Indigo Publications’ turnover has grown between 16% and 18% annually and was projected. The company is comprised of 75 employees and nearly 130 freelancers.

Indigo Publications does not use advertising or do any consulting work. It is independent of any government or political organisation.


Financial Accounts 2021

For its 40th year in business, Indigo Publications recorded its 19th consecutive year of growth and positive results. This strong performance has been accompanied by an ambitious recruitment policy in all departments (editorial, commercial and IT).

Turnover reached €6.64m in 2021, representing 16% growth (it was also 16% in 2020), while operating expenses increased by 20% (13% in 2020). The expense-to-revenue ratio was therefore 82%. The operating profit reached €1.23m (€1.18m in 2020).

As of 31 March 2022, Indigo Publications had a full-time workforce of 67 people, including 45 editorial staff and 22 in other departments (sales, marketing, IT, management). Twenty of these positions were created during the last year. The company also has a growing network of more than 100 freelance correspondents around the world.

Our recruitment initiative has enabled us to produce more informative and higher quality publications, and to expand our editorial coverage.

Since 2009, Indigo Publications has been rewarding its employees for the company’s results through a profit-share plan. A payment of €258,000 was made for 2021. In addition to this plan, an employee shareholding programme has also been established.

Revenues and net profit 2006-2021 (in thousands of euros)

2021 profit and loss account


Indigo Withdraws from Content Aggregators

Paris, 4 May. After decades working with the main content aggregators in the news market (LexisNexis, Factiva and CEDROM-SNi), Indigo Publications withdrew from their databases in order to have exclusivity over the publication of its information and to have more direct contact with readers.

We believe that it is essential that our publications be read on our own websites. Indigo Publications is committed to producing daily editions—selected and structured hierarchically—the quality of which is reflected on our sites and in our daily email summary. In accordance with this commitment to our readers, we pledge to provide subscribers with key information, allowing them to consistently stay ahead of the curve.

In addition, our subscribers can enjoy a of exclusive services: daily newsletters, keyword notifications, weekly recaps, scroll-through editions, a “Read Later” option and much more.


Press Release

Africa Intelligence (Indigo Publications group) condemns the unjustified arrest on 22 February and subsequent detention in Addis Ababa of one of its journalists, Antoine Galindo, while he was on an assignment in Ethiopia and calls for his immediate release.

Paris, 26 February. On Thursday 22 February at 3.55pm local time, plainclothes security officers arrested the French national Antoine Galindo, an Africa Intelligence journalist on a reporting assignment in Ethiopia. He has since then been detained at the Addis Ababa Police Commission in the Bole district.

Antoine Galindo arrived in Addis Ababa on 13 February to cover an African Union summit as well as Ethiopian news.

He has been suspected of “conspiracy to create chaos in Ethiopia” and was brought before a judge on 24 February. His detention has been extended until 1 March, when the next hearing of his case will take place.

These spurious accusations are not based on any tangible evidence that might justify this extended deprivation of liberty. Antoine Galindo, a journalist known to the Ethiopia Media Authority, had informed the Ethiopian authorities of his assignment in the country and had a visa authorising him to work there as a journalist.

Indigo Publications is outraged by his unjustified arrest, which is also a serious attack on press freedom.

Indigo Publications group, the publisher of Africa Intelligence, calls on the Ethiopian authorities to urgently release Antoine Galindo.

Press contact: press@africaintelligence.com

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